Dog Pound Contest Winner's List ~2004~



~1st Place~

~A Golden Holiday Website~

~2nd Place~

~The Doggie Universe~

~3rd Place~

~JuLou Texas Rhodesian Ridgebacks~



~1st Place~

~My Angel Baby~

~2nd Place~

~The Doggie Universe~

~3rd Place~

~My Favorite Pekes, Abbott and Costello~



~1st Place~

~The Doggie Universe~

~2nd Place~

~JuLou Texas Rhodesian Ridgebacks~

~3rd Place~

~My Favorite Pekes, Abbott and Costello~



~1st Place~

~Dragon's Dream~

~2nd Place~

~JuLou Texas Rhodesian Ridgebacks~

~3rd Place~

~My Favorite Pekes, Abbott and Costello~



~1st Place~

~My Favorite Pekes, Abbott and Costello~

~2nd Place~

~Our Chihuahua's~

~3rd Place~

~Pat's Place~



~1st Place~

~Our Chihuahua's~

~2nd Place~

~Princess and Rat Terriers~

~3rd Place~

~Parvi sed Magni~



~1st Place~

~Parvi sed Magni~

~2nd Place~

~My Darn Dog~

~3rd Place~

~Kennel Trophy~



~1st Place~

~Cosette's Lair Pet Contest~

~2nd Place~

~Ron's Miniature Schnauzer Page~

~3rd Place~



~1st Place~

~Princess and Rat Terriers~

~2nd Place~

~For The Love Of Gus~

~3rd Place~

~My Darn Dog~



~1st Place~

~Pupi Hood~

~2nd Place~

~Sadona Labrador Retrievers~

~3rd Place~

~Golden Retrievers My Golden Babies~



~1st Place~

~My Darn Dog!~

~2nd Place~

~Kennel Trophy~

~3rd Place~

~Draco's Page~



~1st Place~


~2nd Place~


~3rd Place~



2003 Winners

2002 Winners

2001 Winners

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