Welcome to our personal page.

Our mom made this homepage for us. We were 2 of Gods unwanted creatures but she took us and gives us lots of love.

Hi! I'm Vern, I'm an 11 year old Begal-Basset mix who was rescued from the local pet store. I was the runt of the litter and no one wanted me so I was put in a box with free marked on it! I was about 6 weeks old when my mom came in and found me! Check out my baby picture and youll know why she fell in love at first sight.

I was a cutie wasn't I?

This is me at 11 years old, mom says im still a cutie!

Hi! Im Suzie a 7 year old Cocker Spaniel, I come from a broken home. My first owners got a divorce and the lady of the house didnt want me (I im glad about that she beat me with a hair brush to potty train me!) So i went to live with the man of the house but he worked a lot and i was locked in a dog carrier for 12 to 15 hrs a day, so he gave me to my new mom and dad. I don't have any baby pictures but mom has taken some of me since I've come to live here, and I'm a doll baby, just ask my mom.

This is me looking like a little angel, but mom says that is only because I'm asleep!

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An estamiated 7 Million Animal's are put down in the United States every year.Because of unwanted litters and abandonment.Please be a responsible pet owner.Have your Animal's desexed.
Adopt a pet from your local shelter or rescue org. save a life and make a friend for life.

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This page owned and maintained by jenlynn